The Advanced Mathematics Support Programme

The Advanced Mathematics Support Programme (AMSP) aims to increase participation in Core Maths and AS/A level Mathematics and AS/A level Further Mathematics, and to improve the teaching of these qualifications.
The programme provides extensive support for teachers and students in state schools and colleges in England, from secondary maths through to transition to university and higher apprenticeships. Additional support is offered in areas of low social mobility so that, whatever their gender, background or location, students can choose their best post-16 maths pathway and have access to high quality teaching.
The AMSP is funded through a Department for Education (DfE) contract, which was awarded to MEI following a competitive tendering process. We lead and deliver the programme, working closely with Etio (formerly Tribal Education Services) as a key partner.
The AMSP’s work dovetails with that of two other DfE-funded programmes to support maths education in England – the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM) and the Maths Hubs, and all three work closely together to provide high-quality support for maths teachers for the benefit of students.
The AMSP evolved from an MEI initiative in the early 2000s to support the uptake of AS/A level Further Mathematics. It has grown substantially over the years, with its scope expanding to include support for Core Maths and AS/A level Mathematics as well as AS/A level Further Mathematics. It’s a great example of how a small-scale pilot can develop into national programme that has a major impact on maths education.
Find out more about the AMSP’s origin and development.