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All school pupils in England to study maths to the age of 18

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The government has issued a press release ahead of a speech which the Prime Minister will deliver later today.

MEI believes that all students aged 16-18 should have the opportunity and encouragement to take a maths qualification suited to their needs and aspirations and supports the longer-term ambition to ensure all school pupils in England study some form of maths to the age of 18.

Our work through the Advanced Mathematics Support Programme encourages the uptake of both AS/A level Mathematics and Further Mathematics, and the newer Core Maths qualifications, which are now taken by over 12,000 students annually. We are proud of the resources, professional development and support for teachers which we provide for these qualifications.

MEI has played a central role in developments to date. We expect to continue this role as further details become available and the policy develops.

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