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AMSP update February 2022

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The Advanced Mathematics Support Programme (AMSP) offers professional development courses for maths teachers and student enrichment events. Many of these opportunities are available free of charge to teachers working in state-funded schools and colleges in England. You can view the AMSP’s full events offering on the AMSP website.

The AMSP will hold several Core Maths Pre-Release Discussion Meetings throughout March and April. These meetings are designed to provide you with the opportunity to discuss and share ideas that come out of this year’s pre-release material. There will be dedicated meetings for each Core Maths specification: AQA, OCR and Edexcel. Whether you are an existing member of one of our Specification Networks or a first-time attendee, all Core Maths teachers are welcome to attend. However, priority will be given to those teaching in state-funded schools and colleges.

The AMSP already offers an extensive range of professional development and support to introduce Core Maths. However, we know that in some cases it takes one-to-one support, tailored around your school or college’s individual circumstances, to make Core Maths a thriving part of your provision. That’s why we’re pleased to launch our Core Maths Specialist Leads programme. Please visit our website to learn more and complete the form to request support.

The AMSP is happy to announce that our New to teaching A level Mathematics summer school will return this summer. During this four-day residential course, you will develop pedagogical knowledge to improve teaching skills, aiming to give you the confidence to teach for understanding and engagement rather than ‘teaching to the test’. You are welcome to register your interest now, and bookings will open after the Easter break.

The AMSP’s A level Problem Solving Teacher Conference will be held in London on 7 July. A one-day professional development conference designed to support teachers of AS/A level Mathematics and Further Mathematics. A fantastic day with a choice of workshops including Integrating Problem Solving, Developing Problem Solving through Group work, and Exploring University Admissions Tests.

If you’re looking for opportunities for your students, the AMSP also has plenty to offer. Setting Out In Problem Solving is a practical session for Year 12 and 13 students, where they’ll get the chance to attempt some problems and develop their problem-solving techniques. STEP Online is ideal if you teach students sitting one or more of the STEP papers in summer 2023, as it will help them with their preparation and provide online resources including notes, exercise sheets, and solutions. If you teach high-attaining Year 12 A level Mathematics students, they will benefit from reading the AMSP’s monthly web magazine, SUMS (Steps to University for Mathematical Students).

The AMSP is also offering various online enrichment events for Year 7 to Year 11 students –Everyday Maths, where students will look at how maths can be used in different situations, supporting your students’ problem-solving skills; and Which Career? – Meet people working in different roles, where three guests will talk about their career journeys and how maths is used in the work they do.

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