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Changes to the TMUA and the timeline involved

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In November 2022, Cambridge Assessment Admissions Testing (CAAT) announced that they will be withdrawing from administering a series of university admissions examinations, including the Test of Mathematics for University Admissions (TMUA), with effect from 2024.

Please note that the admissions tests will still be in place for current Year 12 students (who started their course in 2022). These students will still require information and support if they apply to a university that requires or accepts TMUA.

The AMSP will continue to provide a programme of support for both students and teachers from state-funded institutions until the TMUA is withdrawn.

The universities that have used these tests as part of their admissions procedures are currently planning their procedures for the first cohort to apply if the tests are completely withdrawn. We will post details of new admissions requirements as soon as we know them.

The tests that are no longer being administered by CAAT include the TMUA, NSAA and ENGAA examinations.

The administration of the STEP 2 and 3 papers and the MAT examination will change, but the content and structure of the examinations will not be affected by CAAT’s withdrawal from the other admissions tests. 

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