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S1 E7 – Rich Tasks and Problem-Based Learning with Richard Perring

Posted on in Podcasts

In this week’s episode, Alison and Andy are joined by a special guest, Richard Perring (@LearningMaths). Together, they discuss the following:

Together, they discuss the following:

  • Keeping your LinkedIn up-to-date!
  • Why should we encourage the use of rich tasks? What do students and teachers gain?
  • The power of asking why
  • Rich tasks don’t need to last a lesson. Just have a thinking question
  • Listening to student conversations to guide the teaching
  • Is there still a space for coursework?
  • Does there need to be a right answer?
  • As a teacher, be open to learning 
  • Where can you go to read about rich tasks and get some starting points?
  • The power of a collaborative planning model

Links to things mentioned in this episode:

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Your hosts

Photo of Andy Lumley

Andy Lumley


Alison Hopper


Our intro/outro was produced by a talented young creative – check out his Soundcloud

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