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Free professional development and student enrichment opportunities with the Advanced Mathematics Support Programme

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The Advanced Mathematics Support Programme (AMSP) has a wide range of professional development courses for maths teachers and student enrichment events coming up over this academic year. Many opportunities are available free of charge to teachers working in state-funded schools and colleges in England. You can now view the AMSP’s full events offering on the MEI’s events page, as well as on the AMSP website.

If you teach GCSE Mathematics and you’d like to improve your teaching and/or your students’ skills, the AMSP’s suite of Raising Confidence one-day courses would be ideal for you. Starting this autumn, the range of courses cover topics including reasoning, problem solving, and technology and are taking place at locations in London and Manchester.

The AMSP has launched an autumn programme of Live Online Professional Development (LOPD) courses that offer professional development for teachers of GCSE Mathematics, AS and A level Mathematics and Further Mathematics, and/or Core Maths. The courses can be accessed from any location that you choose and remove the need to take whole days away from school or college.

Teaching with Desmos starts in October and will demonstrate how you can use Desmos to integrate technology into your GCSE and A level Mathematics lessons to deepen your students’ understanding. It will cover how to use the graphing calculator, the extensive set of pre-made activities, and how you can create your own activities. No prior knowledge of Desmos is required!

The AMSP also has lots of opportunities for students. If you’re looking for ways to engage your Year 10 students and make sure they’re informed about their options for studying maths after GCSE, the AMSP has two new Online Enrichment Events for students, Space! and Maths is everywhere, which would be ideal. For Year 12 and 13s, there’s Setting Out In Problem Solving, which will introduce problem-solving strategies as well as providing information about maths admissions tests (MAT, TMUA, and STEP). This may be particularly useful for your Year 13 students who are applying for university courses. Finally, this month the AMSP launched a brand new monthly web-magazine for high-attaining Year 12 A level Mathematics students. SUMS (Steps to University for Mathematical Students) aims to encourage and support applications to university maths courses and is packed with lots of useful information, including interviews with maths graduates on their careers, tips for the university application process and preparing for admissions tests, and puzzles and problems to try

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