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GCSE results day 2022

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Congratulations to all GCSE Mathematics students for their hard work over the past year, we hope the grades you achieved today were what you were hoping for. We’d like to say a massive thank you to all the maths teachers who have supported students on their courses, especially over the past couple of challenging years.

We hope that those students who have achieved a grade 4 or higher will be encouraged to continue to study maths beyond GCSE. Further developing maths and data analysis skills helps young people to prepare for the future, whatever their aspirations. Advanced maths qualifications are required for many degree courses and higher-level apprenticeships, and they can lead to reduced offers for a wide range of degree subjects.

The Advanced Mathematics Support Programme (AMSP) provides advice for students on choosing an advanced maths option – Core Maths, AS/A level Mathematics, AS/A level Further Mathematics.

The AMSP also provides resources to support students with the transition to their chosen advanced maths course, designed in particular for students who have experienced disruption to their maths education.

For students who did not achieve a grade 4, it’s vital that they continue working towards that goal post-16.

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