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Introducing MEI Deeper Maths: Deeper learning for all in secondary maths

Posted on in News, Resources

We’re excited to announce MEI Deeper Maths, a new suite of resources designed to support excellent practice in the teaching of secondary maths to all students, regardless of prior attainment.

MEI Deeper Maths provides a valuable aid for all teachers of secondary maths. If you’re early in your career as a maths teacher, or a specialist teacher of another subject, you’ll find the materials particularly useful for supporting the development of your pedagogical practice. If you’re already an experienced teacher of maths, the materials will introduce you to fresh ideas to enhance your teaching and provide practical resources to support these approaches.

Each set of materials focuses on a key topic in the maths curriculum. Topics run through from the start of Key Stage 3 to the end of Key Stage 4 in one continuous thread, connecting ideas coherently across the years as students’ learning develops. The crucial transition into Key Stage 3 is informed by the latest Key Stage 2 pedagogies, and preparation for the transition to post-16 maths is an important consideration throughout.

The materials are designed to develop deep learning for all students, with the use of physical manipulatives, dynamic images and carefully constructed student study packs. A deliberate design and pace ensure students develop a secure basis for further study as their learning progresses.

Our design approach is solidly grounded in research and informed by the extensive teaching experience of MEI’s primary and secondary maths experts. The result is these thoroughly thought-out and carefully crafted materials, which, in line with teaching for mastery approaches, support teaching for deep and sustained learning in maths.

The first two units of MEI Deeper Maths materials – addressing angles and trigonometry – will be released later this month. Further units will follow over the coming months.

For more information, please email the Deeper Maths development team.

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