Working with Large Data Sets
A level Mathematics
Download the Large Data Sets
Ideas for using the Large Data Sets to teach statistics in A level Mathematics
Integral for A level Mathematics features lessons based on the Large Data Sets for the AQA, Edexcel, MEI and OCR specifications. The lessons include:
- PowerPoint presentations
- Student worksheets
- Teacher notes and solutions
Using Excel and Desmos for the large data sets
The Advanced Mathematics Support Programme (AMSP) has produced workbooks that show how to use Excel and Desmos to investigate the large data sets.
Help videos: using Excel and GeoGebra for statistics
These short videos demonstrate a range of useful techniques for using Excel and GeoGebra for statistics in GCSE and A level Mathematics, including the large data sets. Most of the videos are less than 5 minutes in length. The data sets used in the videos are not related to any exam specification; they have been chosen to illustrate the techniques.