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MEI discussion paper on assessment in mathematics

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The cancellation of examinations in summer 2020 and 2021 has highlighted the dependence of the English assessment system on timed written examinations. MEI is thinking about what assessment in maths should be like; as part of this process we have published a discussion paper about assessment in mathematics.

The paper raises some of the issues which need to be considered when assessing mathematics attainment within a national summative assessment system. It does not claim to be an exhaustive analysis and it does not attempt to make any recommendations. The aim is to encourage informed discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of the current system in England and how it might be improved. Current assessment practices in England are considered, along with previous practices and some from other countries.

On Friday 9 July, there will be a session at the MEI Virtual Conference about the future of maths assessment.

If you have any comments about the matters considered in the paper, feel free to contact Stella Dudzic or Charlie Stripp.

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