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New Core Maths textbook

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We’re excited that our new Core Maths textbook, ‘OCR Core Maths A and B (MEI)’, published by Illuminate Publishing,  is now available for purchase. What’s more, you can get 20% off the list price using the promotional code OFFER20 if you order by 31 October.

The textbook aims to support students and teachers through the OCR Core Maths (MEI) courses and is designed to create confident mathematicians able to apply their learning to a wide range of situations.

Written in conjunction with the MEI team, the textbook ensures the best possible support for the course. It covers all components from both specifications including Introduction to Quantitative Reasoning, Critical Maths and Statistical Problem Solving.

A teacher companion for the textbook, featuring additional questions and worked solutions, will be added to the AMSP’s Core Maths platform soon.

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