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Oak National Academy awards maths curriculum work to MEI

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MEI has been selected by Oak National Academy as a curriculum partner to develop Full Curriculum Packages for maths across Key Stages 1 to 4. Under Oak’s programme, MEI will produce maths lesson materials comprising slide decks, videos, worksheets, quizzes and supplementary resources. The materials, which are optional and designed to be adapted by teachers, will become available during 2024. 

Charlie Stripp, MEI’s Chief Executive said:

“MEI is a charity committed to improving maths education for all. It is essential that all teachers of maths, regardless of their circumstances and skills, can access well-designed maths curricula and high-quality resources to teach effectively. Our work will be underpinned by extensive expertise in maths education and will reflect sound principles informed by research and effective practice.”

Find out more by reading Oak National Academy’s announcement and their maths updates.

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