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S2 E1 – Communicating Maths Effectively with Ben Sparks

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Welcome back to Digging for the Why! Join us and our special guest, Ben Sparks, as we discuss everything from engaging teaching methods and practical applications to fostering curiosity among students.

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We emphasise the need for teachers to make maths interesting and accessible beyond the traditional curriculum. While exploring the importance of deep understanding over memorisation across all subjects.

We also take a look at parental influence and some different, varied pedagogical approaches to create an engaging and accessible learning environment for all students.  

Meet our Guest

Ben is an experienced mathematician, musician and public speaker. He hosts maths talks and workshops around the world.

Ben is currently part freelance and an Area Coordinator with the AMSP and is based at the University of Bath. His performances include regular work with the Numberphile YouTube channel, where his videos have been watched over 12 million times. He also runs his own YouTube channel, SparksMaths

00:00 Welcome to Episode One and Introducing Ben Sparks

04:27 Ben Shares His Journey and Passion for Maths

07:32 The Art of Teaching Maths: Insights and Inspirations

13:24 Creating Engaging Maths Sessions

22:24 The Challenge of Communicating Maths Effectively and the Power of ‘Show, Don’t Tell’

26:06 The Mega Menger Project and Engaging with Mathematics on a Personal Level

29:20 The Importance of Asking ‘Why’ and Challenges in Teaching Mathematics

34:27 Harnessing Curiosity and Emotion and Tricks as a Pedagogical Tool in Mathematics

44:07 The Role of Teachers in Nurturing Mathematical Curiosity

A transcript of this episode is available here

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Andy Lumley


Alison Hopper


A talented young creative iingledew produced our intro/outro – check out his Soundcloud.

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