Key Stage 3
Access our free resources
You’ll find a wealth of classroom-ready resources that promote mathematical thinking, and other materials to support your teaching and your pupils’ learning in our collection of free resources.
Our resources are consistent with the DfE’s guidance on Teaching mathematics at Key Stage 3 (a summary of which is available from the NCETM) and complement the NCETM materials to help teachers develop a mastery approach in their classrooms and schools.
Key Stage 2-3 transition
MEI and our partners have developed a range of resources designed to help you to support students in their transition from primary learning.

Year 7 Get Calculating lesson plans
Our Year 7 Get Calculating lesson plans focus on developing the use of calculators in a range of mathematical contexts. There’s a related series of lesson plans for Year 6.
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Calculator Crunch resources
Our Calculator Crunch resources are designed to provide extra practice in key areas of the maths curriculum and help to develop pupils’ confidence in using calculators.
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The NCETM have developed over 250 Checkpoints so far to help KS3 teachers assess students’ current understanding and learn about the primary maths curriculum.
Visit the NCETM websiteDeeper Maths
MEI Deeper Maths is a growing suite of free resources designed to support excellent practice in the teaching of secondary maths to all students, regardless of their prior attainment.
Each topic includes:
- An overarching commentary based on underpinning research
- Mapped sequences of lessons for each unit
- Lesson plans exploring the maths and pedagogic approaches
- ‘Hands on’ manipulative resources to use with your students
- Printable study packs for students
“I recently downloaded the MEI Deeper Maths trigonometry resources – I have a thing about trig! – and it’s absolutely super. Just love it”
Andy Thompson, Lead Officer (maths and numeracy), Northern Alliance
GeoGebra activities for Key Stage 3
MEI is investing its own charitable reserves to develop this collection of Key Stage 3 resources to support schools with maths education recovery and beyond.
Each unit includes a series of lessons comprising a GeoGebra activity for use during the lesson and a GeoGebra activity suitable for independent student learning. Each lesson also comes with a lesson plan detailing the planning behind each question in the activities, together with the answers.