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Professional Development


We offer professional development opportunities for both experienced and new primary teachers, primary maths, subject leaders, and primary curriculum leads.

If you can’t find what you are looking for, we can arrange bespoke professional development for your school or multi-academy trust on a wide range of topics. Just get in touch to discuss your needs.

Understand more about the Oak National Academy Primary Maths Resources

Implementing the New Oak National Academy Primary Maths Resources as a Maths Lead

A free, 60-minute webinar

Discover how the Oak National Academy Primary Maths resources, written in collaboration with MEI, can be implemented as a whole-school resource.

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Making Effective Use of the New Oak National Academy Primary Maths Resources

Three 90-minute sessions

Join our interactive sessions to explore the Oak resources in more depth. Discover how you might make effective use of the materials in a variety of ways to support, develop, and enhance maths in your school.

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Further primary professional development opportunities

Primary Maths Subject Leadership Programme

Three 90-minute twilight sessions

This programme is designed to enhance your primary maths leadership skills. Ideal for both new and experienced subject leaders looking to create and implement a shared vision for teaching and learning in maths in your school.

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Going Deeper with Primary Maths: Elegant solutions and making connections

One half-day session

An interactive session designed to explore how teachers can cultivate a deep and sustained understanding and support pupils to achieve in the end of Key Stage assessments.

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Details of all the professional development courses and events offered by MEI are listed on our events page.

Key Stage 2-3 Transition webinars

Keeping Year 6 pupils motivated in their maths learning during the transition to Year 7 can be challenging. If you’re looking for extra support to help your Year 6 class as they make this journey, watch these webinars on Supporting Key Stage 2 to 3 Transition in Maths:

Teaching for mastery

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Mastering maths means students of all ages acquiring a deep, long-term, secure and adaptable understanding of the subject.

The phrase ‘teaching for mastery’ describes the elements of classroom practice and school organisation that combine to give students the best chances of mastering maths.

Achieving mastery means acquiring a solid enough understanding of the maths that’s been taught to enable students to move on to more advanced material.

The NCETM offer a range of materials, guidance and opportunities to understand and develop a mastery approach in your classroom and school.