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Preparing your students for University Admission Tests

University Admission Tests

Do you have students who want to apply for a degree that requires them to take one or more of the maths admissions tests – STEP, MAT and TMUA?

It’s important to ensure your students are well-prepared, because the questions in these tests are longer and less-structured than most A level Mathematics and Further Mathematics examination questions. So your students will benefit from getting used to this style of question beforehand, and they’ll gain confidence in tackling them.

As a teacher, you can play an important role by supporting your students’ approach to an unstructured problem, by offering possible approaches, or by simply acting as a sounding board for students to discuss their ideas.

Preparing for these tests may also provide you with an opportunity to look again at some mathematical topics in greater depth, and identify links between different areas of the course.

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You can get plenty of help from the Advanced Mathematics Support Programme (AMSP). The programme provides extensive support and resources to help you support students who are taking these tests, including professional development, resources, and additional tuition for your students.