A level Mathematics
How A level Mathematics helps students to be better prepared for university
A level Mathematics is the most popular of all A levels taken in England.
Young people recognise that it’s a highly desirable qualification that can help them achieve their aspirations for further study and their future career.
Studying A level Mathematics helps students develop a logical approach to problem solving, as well as developing their mathematical knowledge and skills, so it’s valuable preparation for a wide range of degree courses.
For many STEM and economics degree courses, A level Mathematics is an essential pre-requisite. For others, such as geography and finance, studying A level Mathematics is very useful, as it helps to keep students’ mathematical skills fresh, and it prepares them for the maths they’ll encounter during the course.
A more in-depth look at the A level Mathematics qualifications is provided within the section of our website for teachers.
Take a lookFurther information
This briefing document from the Advanced Mathematics Support Programme provides an overview of all level 3 maths qualifications for university admissions and academic staff.
How you can encourage more students to study A level Mathematics
If A level Mathematics would be useful for students to prepare to take your degree courses, we’d suggest you include it in your admissions criteria. If it’s desirable but not essential, we’d encourage you to point out that you look more favourably on applications from students who have taken it or, ideally, provide a differentiated offer that includes it.