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Our Free Data Science Taught Course for Year 13 students returns in October!

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Applications are now open for our popular Data Science Taught Course, designed for Year 13 students who have studied either A level Mathematics or Core Maths in Year 12.

The course will feature weekly online lessons delivered over the Autumn term, together with supporting study material. Students will be assessed through a practical assessment task and a short examination, and will receive an MEI certificate on completion.

Aims of the course:

  • To deepen students’ knowledge of the key concepts of data science.
  • To improve students’ skills in using technology to gain insights from data.
  • To provide an opportunity to learn more about data science for students who are interested in future study/careers in this area.

We will be running two courses concurrently, one on Mondays and the other on Wednesdays. Your students do not all have to join the same group; you’ll be able to select your students’ preferences during the application process.

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