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A level results day 2023

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Congratulations to all students on achieving their well-deserved Core Maths and AS/A level Mathematics and Further Mathematics qualifications today. MEI would also like to thank their teachers for the tuition and support they have provided to students this year to help them realise their potential. Gaining a Level 3 mathematics qualification will equip these young people with quantitative and problem solving skills to succeed in work and higher education.   

MEI, through its leadership of the AMSP, works hard to promote the benefits of studying maths to increase participation, and supports teachers in developing their subject knowledge and pedagogy to improve the teaching of Core Maths and the mathematics A levels.  

The last three years have been very difficult for students, and schools and colleges. However, despite all the challenges, it is encouraging to see that the number of young people choosing to study mathematics post-16 remains high.  

A level Mathematics continued to be the A level with the highest number of entries, 96,853, increasing slightly by 1.3% compared to 2022. In addition, 15,080 students took A level Further Mathematics in 2023. Over 60% of students taking A level Mathematics this summer achieved a top grade of A*, A or B, and of those taking A level Further Mathematics, 77% achieved one of the top grades.  

The number of students taking Core Maths increased again from 12,311 to 12,367, with 40% of these students achieving grades A or B. 

We hope that the trend of increased numbers studying maths continues over the next few years, in preparation for the move towards all students studying some maths to age 18.

Charlie Stripp, MEI’s Chief Executive, commented:

“Congratulations to the students and teachers of Core Maths and AS/A Level Maths and Further Maths on today’s results.

Being confident with maths and able to use it to make sense of the world is more important than ever. Young people achieving their maths qualifications today have equipped themselves well for the future. To ensure all young people are well prepared for the future, we must move to a position where it becomes the norm for all to study maths to age 18.”

We have published a summary of this year’s Core Maths and AS/A level Mathematics and AS/A level Further Mathematics results on our website.

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